(Don’t you) Forget About Me by Kate Karyus Quinn
Gardnerville is a magical town where no one gets sick and everyone has a long life, but every fourth year, teenagers go on a killing spree with their newly developed superpowers. At the heart of Gardnerville is an ominous reformatory that claims to help the town’s troubled youths. And your guide through this strange and surreal town is Skylar, a girl who spends most of the novel stoned on a drug called Forget-Me-Not as she searches for the truth behind what happened to her sister during the last fourth year killing. (Don’t You) Forget About Me is a twisted and addicting story that generates more questions than explanations. Kate Karyus Quinn creates an idealistic small town with dark secrets and a main character who alternates between melancholic and tragic. The unusual premise and Skylar’s unique journey is a wild ride that will haunt you long after the exciting climax.